The ABC Catholic Saints Craft download includes 26 printable Saint crafts in black and white, and then all 26 again in full color.
Note: This is a digital product. You will receive a PDF file to download and print. No physical product will be shipped to you.
To create your ABC Catholic Saints Craft: You just print them, color them, cut them out, and assemble into tubes. There are several options for assembling them once you have them colored and cut out:
- Option 1: print them on regular printer paper, and glue them around paper tube (such as a paper towel tube cut in half). For this option, you can use a glue stick.
- Option 2: print the saints onto card stock. When you cut them out, just make the sides meet up and turn them into a tube. You can then attach with tape or staples.
- Option 3: print them onto card stock and laminate them. Turn them into tubes and attach with tape or staples. This really makes them strong and long-lasting!
- Option 4: print them on regular copy paper and decoupage them around a wooden dowel about the size around as a toilet paper tube. Then you’ll end up with your own set of wooden Saints, with no artistic skills needed.
Saints included in this set (these all come both in color and black and white):
- Saint Anne
- Saint Bernadette
- Saint Catherine
- Saint Denis
- Saint Elisabeth
- Saint Faustina
- Saint Gregory
- Saint Helen
- Saint Ignatius
- Saint John Bosco
- Saint Kateri
- Saint Lucy
- Saint Michael
- Saint Nicholas
- Saint Olga
- Saint Patrick
- Saint Quentin
- Saint Rose
- Saint Sebastian
- Saint Therese
- Saint Ursula
- Saint Veronica
- Saint William
- Saint Xavier
- Saint Yves
- Saint Zita
Read more about this project on the original post: ABC Saints: Coloring Pages Turned Easy Catholic Craft.
Purchasing Options
There is an option for one family or one classroom. The classroom option covers 25 children. If you need to use this with multiple classrooms or in a group, please purchase one copy for every 25 children. If you purchase this for your family, you should not share it with other families.
There is an option for a whole school or whole parish. If you purchase this option, you may only use it within one single school or parish/religious education program.
Note: If you have a smaller parish or school, you may purchase multiple copies of the one family/single classroom version for every 25 children instead of the whole school/whole parish option. For example: if your religious education program has 100 children that you want to use a project with, you can purchase four copies of the family/single classroom option instead of a whole school/whole parish option.